SUBSTACK 101 KICKSTART — Monetization 3 - A fast way to start monetizing outside the Substack subscription model is to use an existing PayPal account in addition to Stripe. Some folks might think that's “Cool” now and believe they can use the “Request Money” feature to receive funds with no fees. As much as I can understand this because every way to avoid fee robbery is more than welcome, I must warn you that this is not a good way. Sooner than later, PayPal registers this, and then you might be blocked for a long time. The easiest way to use PayPal for Substackers is through The astronomical fees you can find below. You might ask now: “Why are you telling us a solution that is even pricier than Stripe?” I want to make you aware that the most common solution — — cost you between 7.9–52.0% (Stripe 5.9–33.0%) for domestic payments and international payments between 9.4–53.0% (Stripe 8.5–36.0%) But there is good news! QR-Code-Transactions cost “only” 2.29% plus $0.09. So the fees look now much friendlier. Do you understand now why using PayPal might make sense to you? QR-Code-Transactions cost around a third of Stripe! Interested? Here we go ...
Thank you, Klaus for sharing this with me. I live in Mumbai, India and even though I tried to integrate Stripe on Substack, it has not worked. I have a PayPal account in India and hopefully with your suggestions, I will give it a try. Interestingly, I came across your article through my mentor Dr. Mehmet Yildiz's article on Medium. Thank you, again. Adios.
Thank you, Klaus for sharing this with me. I live in Mumbai, India and even though I tried to integrate Stripe on Substack, it has not worked. I have a PayPal account in India and hopefully with your suggestions, I will give it a try. Interestingly, I came across your article through my mentor Dr. Mehmet Yildiz's article on Medium. Thank you, again. Adios.